ON THE MONEY by Tony Gillahan

To some it is not nearly enough to just portray yourself to live an active outdoors lifestyle. It seems that many like the “idea” of being a man of the wild but few actually have the true active lifestyle that they portray.
@tonygillahan is just a man that is one with the wild. Well, one as much as he can with his trusted companion Remi. (the dog)
I am always impressed to see Tony’s new adventures. He is one that if I don’t see a post from that day, I actually search out his page to see if there was something that I missed. Truly one to follow on Instagram and Youtube. Tony represents the SOLO HNTR lifestyle very well. Thank you Tony!
Tony Gillahan
I’d just about had enough for the morning when I saw this stag and a hind feeding in a great spot for me to sneak in for a closer look. The wind was perfect, I got into what i thought was about 40yards and just before I could get a range on the shooting lane, the stag decided to walk straight towards me which is when he realised something was up. His large alert body size was my downfall, I hit record on the camera and drew back, I guessed him at 20 and sent an arrow on its way. I watched with horror as the arrow kept dropping and still hadn’t reached the stag. He took off, seemingly unscathed. Naturally I was pretty mad at myself, but I got bit of shock when I picked up my arrow and saw a bit of blood on it. I went over the footage and sure enough I’d clipped his front leg, a non fatal wound at best. At least he’ll be here for next time was all I was thinking to keep my mind off my stuff up. It was at this stage I noticed Remi wanting to track the flecks of bloods along the trail so to kill some time I thought I’d let her track him for awhile and see what happened. I wasn’t expecting much, so i dropped everything and just carried my bow. The bush was thick, but Remi confidently moved through the bush along a very faint blood trail…
2 hours later I’m still following Remi, I hadn’t seen any blood for awhile so I was about to pull the pin when I heard something down in the gully below us. Surely it wasn’t the stag? Remi was keenly awaiting a command so I just said “get him Rem” Next thing i know Rem is off and I hear crashing and bashing up and up the hill. I kept making my way up and to my amazement saw a few flecks of blood along the trail, it was him. I called Remi back and got her to trail again, she lead me straight down into a cooler gully and low and behold there is the stag out of breath just below me. I told Remi to “get him” again and she ran off almost circling him. The stag didn’t seem to phased by her, but it enabled me to close in and send another arrow on its way and this time I was on the money.