MY FIRST BUCK... by Jessanna

How SAWEET are the words “I got my first kill- My first buck and I did it solo”? I hear this often but it will still never be enough. There is nothing like a first hunt, first kill and first pack out. But to do it on your own is something special.
This post by jessanna.13 brought back memories for me of my first buck at age 13. And yes I was also SOLO then too. It is experiences like these that forge who we are and what we can become in the future. Great work!
Mommy.Medic.Fitness.Huntress.Adventurer. ?? SC:jessannaj
Yesterday evening is a time I will never forget. I got my first kill- My first buck and I did it solo. All the hard work finally paid off- all the miles and countless of hours put in- feels so good when it all comes together and I know God was smiling on me. Yesterday was worth the rain, fog and rough terrain- and dragging him down to my truck in the dark! This is why I hunt. Not for show or trophies but for the love of the outdoors and to put clean organic meat on the table for my kids. Feeling so thankful and blessed and I wanted to share with people who understand everything about this picture!