Every once in a while you’re walking around looking at your feet and you stumble across something. This is kind how it was for me when I cam across Dan Solsman and the rest of his Pacific North Wild crew on Instagram. There are several contributors there that represent hunting so well and are not too bad at photography. Yeah, lets just say they make me a little jealous.
When I messaged Dan to let him know we chose his photo and story for the #SoloStories post that week, I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t find a man with an ego or something to prove. What I found was a man who thought not of himself.
Each person we choose for the #SoloStories week is awarded a hat and T-shirt of their choosing. Dan only asked that I find something for him to share with his military comrades. Asking nothing for himself. Thanks to Dan, this Christmas there will be a couple dozen who will benefit from his generosity. Hopefully the package makes it out to you all in time.
Dan Solsman @PN_Wild
No guide•No roads•No excuses• All public land DIY? ?First Lite R&D?Kenetrek boots?Veteransoutdoors?? m.facebook.com/pnwild
One more look at my 2016 Idaho OTC archery buck. I was in the middle of a mental battle with myself, when this encounter transpired. pushing through crazy winds, warm temps, and I had just run out of water, mid-afternoon at 9k ft. That little voice was telling me “go back, you’re not going to see anything. You tried your best.” I’m so glad I didn’t listen!
Just a few minutes later as I rounded the south face of a big shale slide I caught a glimpse of a solid 4×4 standing in open sage brush at only 100 yards. I ducked behind a small pine tree between us, and used the gusts of wind to muffle my steps, as I closed the distance. I managed to get to the tree and found a range of 62 yards between the branches. I snuck out at full draw, and the buck was staring right at me. He was on high alert, but the main frame 5×4 with 7 eye guards next to him was feeding toward me unaware. I held steady and let him take a few more steps. When he picked his head up I buried an arrow at a hard quartering angle the whole length of his body. He took two steps and found his final resting place. He’s my biggest buck to date, and it was all due to having the perseverance to keep pushing, and a positive attitude.
Thats my #solostories #myhuntstory I need to give a big thanks for all the positive influence we have as public land DIY hunters, from guys like @solohntr @brian__barney @zacgriffith_com @meateatertv @randynewberghunter #solohunter #idaho #muledeer #muleyfreak #muleymadness #huntbackcountry #backcountry #bowhunting #hunting #story #hike #camping #solo #bigbuckdown #diy #photography #wildlife #firstlitehunting #vortexoptics #whyidoit #massntrash #otc #meateater #solohunter