As individuals, we all possess the power to accomplish great things. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of our goals and aspirations, but it's important to remember that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to. The key to individual accomplishment is to believe in yourself and to work tirelessly towards your goals. As I've grown personally, mentally and in business, I've come to recognize that being strong and capable as an individual is much more achievable when you can surround yourself with an outstanding team. THEN you can truly become STRONG AS ONE.

For as long as I can remember, I always had a dream or vision of owning an archery pro shop some day. From the first time I stepped into Jerry Bowhays Home Archery Shop in Arco ID. I was hooked on the idea of an archery store, no mater how big or small. His was just a few basic but necessary items neatly hung on the walls in the basement of his home and a giant stack of mail order catalogs on the floor. He ordered up my first compound bow a PSE Polaris. My how things have changed.
And so some 30 years later I found myself beginning to load up my garage with a few bows and additional necessary basics of an archery store. And then, here we are now two years later in a 5000 sq ft building with a few more bows, a lot more accessories and even an 8 lane 25 yard indoor range. Things seemed to happen fast but in reality it took nearly 30 years for those initial childhood goals to be achieved.

One key to individual accomplishment is to surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and who will ad value to whatever it is that you are trying to achieve. This might mean seeking out mentors or joining a group of like-minded individuals who are working towards similar goals. Having a supportive network can provide motivation, guidance, and a sense of belonging that can help you stay focused and motivated during tough times. I consider myself very fortunate to have a great team around me. Chandler, Christian and Craig keep me motivated and challenged on the daily. And for that I am thankful.
Another important aspect of individual accomplishment is to cultivate for yourself an impenetrable positive mental attitude. It's easy to get discouraged when things don't go as planned, but it's important to keep a positive outlook and to focus on the progress that you've made. A positive and strong attitude can help you stay motivated and persevere when things get tough.
I’ve been around enough to know that taking a swing to the junk is only the kick in the pants a guy needs to do something more… An opportunity to see things from the ground for a day and realize that your situation in life just ain’t that bad. I’ve turned bad deals into great ones, hard knocks into thicker skin and certainly a kick to the coyotes into a much stronger pair!

In the last few years the key to my individual accomplishment comes from building a competent team. It has been to be proactive and to take ownership of my goals rather than continuing to work alone, I have found a way to do much more. I'm a huge believer in taking advantage and recognizing opportunities chance as well as those of circumstance. The harder you work, the better your circumstances will become. And with better conditions around you, the opportunities to expand your horizon becomes much more apparent.
There is no such thing as random coincidence. I’ve always looked forward to opportunities of circumstance. And I’ve crushed it with many of them. There is always something bigger in the plans than we can ever know. We’re not in charge here. We don’t have the controls. We are only expected to hit our knees and mash the pedals every once in a while. The SOLO NATION and the friends you’ve all become over the years, have always been there to support one another and I truly thank you for it! Together we are strong as one!


I’m about as clumsy as a dogs supper so to make up for my lack of coordination, I MUST HAVE silent gear.

What Release Should You Choose?...
This week we’re going over the four most used styles of release aids and some of the features that may make you a more consistent shooter…

NEW to the SOLO NATION... Reno Nevadas Largest Archery Shop
We’ve added several new Brand and Product Categories to the existing SOLO NATION Membership Discounts. Including dozens of archery accessories and additional hunting brands.

How we become Strong as One
For as long as I can remember, I always had a dream or vision of owning an archery pro shop some day. From the first time I stepped into Jerry Bowhays Home Archery Shop in Arco ID. I was hooked on the idea of an archery store,...
4690 LONGLEY LN #20 - RENO NEVADA 89502
Tuesday thru Friday - 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday & Monday - CLOSED